You know that feeling when something makes you really excited. Like that feeling when you first meet someone that you really really like. It gives you a tingle in your tummy. A smile on your face.
A feeling when you feel on top of the world, feel like going on the rooftop and screaming out loud. A funny funny feeling, creating ripples in your tummy and you just keep on wandering what is happening !!!
So what are butterfly feelings??? Is it something like you meet someone and you want to know more about the person. You feel something that you have no idea what exactly it is but you know something is there!!! You long to be with the person, feelings of nervousness, a feeling of want and possession.
It’s like adding sugar instead of salt and still not making out the difference.
Now…you must be thinking what has gone in to my head. You might have been lost in thoughts or might just roll up your eyes thinking what crap it is :P
Nah babes no crap its beautiful n u actually made me go back to all those exciting first timers feelings :)or well known as butterfly feelings, Meeting 'Him' for the first time or just the recent most beautiful moment of my life whn i too wanted to go on roof top and shout to the world and share my happiness, lol i am sure u know wot i am talking bout.but yes,
well written babes :) i loved it.
totally relate to dat...u jus wanna tell every1 abt them...u wanna put up a neon sign on top of ur roof n say ya "thats her...mine" :)
it makes u tickle...giggle...smile to urself...dream...oh its jus so beautiful!!
really like d way u have put it across!!!
I've felt like that a lot of times! And I just cant explain my feelings too!!
Are you in love? :)
dat was easy to gues I suppose :P
Love..for sure :P
I believe, there's nothing without a purpose. Even the most unperturbed thing has its purpose, rather it is purposefully there. From tonsils, appendix to dengue and AIDS all have a purpose. Their pros and cons may be debated over time and perhaps this as also their intended purpose.
its good stuff...writing is the best escape from the stupidities of the society...now, whats the whole idea?:)
Scribblers Inc.
oh no...perfectly normal...that tingling of the heart...gurgling into a rush of thump thump thump and u wonder watz happening to ure heart beat...
crushes always begin like tht...glad ure going thru it...it gives a totally different smile on the face
funny i didnt think i'd come across an hr person frm delhi...i work with mercer...ggn
hey blogrollin ya :)
@ Mystique Wanderer:
HR people can also write...hehehe
Thanx...btw ur on myy list too :P
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