RED RED RED….nowadays I’m obsessed with the colour RED.
Red is hot. It's a strong color that conjures up a range of seemingly conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and warfare. Red is Cupid and the Devil.

Ain't it cute??!!!
Red is power, hence the red power tie for business people and the red carpet for celebrities and VIPs. Whenever you’re feeling low, just wear a red outfit to pep up your mood and it also helps in boosting your confidence. I’m sure females would agree with me on that. My friend came to office wearing blood red nail polish. I kinda liked that too!!! ;-)

Flashing red lights denote danger or emergency. Stop signs and stop lights are red to get the drivers' attention and alert them to the dangers of the intersection.
In some cultures, red denotes purity, joy, and celebration. Red is the color of happiness and prosperity in China and may be used to attract good luck. Red is often the color worn by brides in the East.

And does that explain it all?? Marriage is on “my“ cards :P. That explains my fascination for the colour.